Cellected at ELRIG – with new data on ‘SEED & GO’ enhanced iPSC reproducibility

Cellected is at ELRIG with a poster (#226) on its novel cryopreservation method for enhanced iPSC reproducibility.

SEED & GO minimises the variability associated with conventional iPSC clump passaging methods – and generates extremely uniform iPSC cell banks with reduced vial-to-vial differences.

Cellected’s proprietary SEED & GO service offers iPSC scientists improved and more efficient drug discovery research due to improved iPSC reproducibility, shorter assays as well as more reliable screening assays.

Click here if you would like to download the Poster: ELRIG 24 Poster – SEED & GO

For more information on SEED & GO please click on this link: SEED & GO: iPSCs

For a quick snap shot of the ELRIG24 poster, then please see below